Friday, July 10, 2009

Visa? Check!

So yesterday (and today, because we got back today) my parents and I went to Chicago and the French embassy. It was on the 37th floor and, of course, we got there three hours early, so there was a lot of waiting. It will, however, be mailed in two weeks, so I will get it waaay before I leave! I only have about 45 days left in the U.S., so I am even more nervous than ever! ->

That's me on the 37th floor: the French embassy! I look pretty cool in my rotary jacket, but I think I was asking my mom why she was taking the picture :D! I LOVE YOU MOM!

Well, the musical I'm in is Anything Goes, and the first performance is next Wednesday. I have no idea if we are ready. Probably not. We'll see.

My host mother contacted me, too! Last night I got an email from her and she said she was sorry that she was so late in answering her email, because I emailed her almost a month ago now! It's okay, though, because I bet she was really busy. I know I was! Well that's all for now, once I have my visa, I'll get my plane ticket and be all set. Except for that power point. Havent really worked on that at all. Probably should. Good idea.

Love & Peace